Mon-Sat, 9:00AM - 5:00PM. Sunday CLOSED

How protected are your business workload in the Cloud?

Knowing where your perimeter is in the cloud can be difficult due to its distributed architecture. We can help you define your new perimeter and protect data and information assets in the cloud no matter the type and reduce your blast radius in the event of a cyber breach.

Cloud Security

The famous cloud. We've all heard it. Perhaps you are wondering what is it ? or maybe you've started using it? Or well established and reaping the benefits?
Whatever stage you are on your journey into the cloud we can help you ensure you move, settle, and operate securely with our services below.

icon Landing zone (Migration, Modernisation, Transformation)

Moving your applications and services from a known state with a functioning service wrap to an unknown state in (the cloud) can be a challenging task and usually security is one of the last considerations.

Worrying about what service to use (IaaS or PaaS)? Where your new perimeter boundary is? What your responsibilities is within the shared responsibility model? What new target operating model to adopt takes priority and in our experience has led most businesses to a lift and shift approach (Migrate).

This works for a while but not long after it leads to another programme of work to modernise or transform this application/service to become cloud native and reap the full benefits of the cloud.

Whichever phase of the cloud adoption journey your business is, our cloud security service is tailored to align with your business objectives dealing with areas that pose the greatest risk first.

And if you are thinking of cloud migration or just starting out perfect!! Why not explore our cyber consultancy solution.

icon Security Posture Management

With increased adoption of cloud services and speed of migration, assessing the level of security protection within the cloud is highly essential not just form a legal or regulatory perspective but also to reduce the risk of cyber-attack. As cloud services are open to the internet by default and services are hosted on shared resources, services should be configured the most appropriate way depending on the data they store or process. Often this is not the case as the priority at implementation is the functionality and speed of deployment not the most secure way of implementation. Our security posture management service ensures your IT asset are configured in alignment to industry or regulatory standards and relevant internal policies.

icon Secure Development Lifecycle / Security in DevOps

Organisations are increasingly adopting cloud services due to its scalability, flexibility, agility and reduced cost. By defining infrastructure as code constructs and deploying application features in iterations using development pipelines (CI/CD pipeline), organisations are reaping the full benefits of the cloud. As such, it ever so is important for security assessments to adapt and operate in the same environment i.e., the development lifecycle hence the “shift left” concept; in order to offer greater protection to organisational data and asset. Many organisations struggle with this today hence caught between the battle of deploying securely or deploying in an agile manner with quick time to market. Both are achievable.


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